It is official: this was the first year I kept a daily diary for our little family. I know its bad advertisement for our products since I should be writing into my diary from the first day I started making them right? I write into my notebook only when I travel and fortunately it’s quite often. Writing daily is something different. It requires discipline. But I managed thinking it would be a good way to record time and our lives. And it is only a few lines to fill every day. But dare you to forget one day. Rewriting from the past is the hardest thing. Suddenly you realize how bad your memory is and how all the days blend...
Deaf Messanger diaries are a handy A6 size so you can take it with you everywhere. The art, quotes, pictures and little found things like cards and clippings throughout the book keep it interesting all year! You never know what you are going to find in your book. The weekly pages keep your schedule organized, the year overview pages let you see the big picture, and the notes and lists pages in the back let you capture information easily. There’s a pocket, ribbon placemarker, and a pencil included. It’s all held together with an elastic closure so it won’t come open in your bag. Warning: these diaries sell out quickly every year! Shop now Diáře Deaf Messanger vyrábíme v praktickém...
Miluji naši práci. Jedním z důvodů je potkávání lidí, kterým není lhostejný osud starých věcí. Za poslední měsíc jsme dostali: hromadu starých Burd (střihy používáme na sítotisk), 30 starých zeměpisných atlasů, 3 fotoalba (dotyčná je našla vyhozené v kontejneru), balíky starých novin (dědeček kamarádky je střádal na půdě). A dnes přijde další donátorka se starými fotografiemi. Nesmírně si těchto darů vážíme a nedokážu popsat radost z toho, že nám jsou tyto nálezy svěřeny k jejich využití. O to se pokusíme, co nejlépe. I truly love our work. One of the reasons is meeting people, that cares about the old things the way we do. Just within last month we were given following: pile of old Burda magazines (we use the...