MIA (maple) Acrylic paint and tung oil (35 x 26.5 cm).
One day I got a phone call from a friend of mine who is an arborist. He told me he had just cut down maple in the nearby park ( litterally 2 minutes walk from my studio). The tree was sick and the city decided to replace it with another one. There was not much wood usable for my work but there was one log that I took with me and managed to turn this hollow form and two bowls from it. The wood is just so beautiful. The color, the spalting...you name it.
MIA (javor). (35 x 26.5 cm). Jednoho dne mi zavolal kamarád, že v nedalekém parku (doslova 2 minuty chůze od našeho studia) pokácel javor. Strom byl nemocný a tak se ho město rozhodlo nahradit jiným stromem. Bohužel tam byl jen malý kus použitelný pro mou práci. Podařilo se mi z něj vysoustružit tuhle dutou nádobu a dvě mísy a jsem z tohohle dřeva opravdu nadšený. Jen se podívejte na ty barvy!