New Designs

We had a little argument with Vita about this design. Happens sometimes and I'm grateful for it. After years of trying to predict which design will sell and which not we gave up. We can almost never guess that. So here comes the ice cream design. He said: „who is going to buy it?“. I said : „Everyone! Guarantied!“. Well I know at least about one person who will love it. My girlfriend Luise (no she doesn't have to pay). She loves Ice cream. Sometimes I think that she would rather live with the ice cream guy than me but don't tell her that! She may say that I'm right 🙂. So lets see. I love it. It „resembles“ summer. You know that time of a year that we somehow connect with relaxing times when all the weigh of the World comes off our back (not always a reality I can tell you). So enjoy our icecream. Btw it's vegan.

Seaguls are beautiful birds. I remember the ones that I saw in Invercargill – New Zealand - on the way to Stewart Island. It was really windy and cold. And there were these massive sea gulls just standing in the air in the harbour. They look frozen in the air. The wind moving – them not. Just standing there only moving their heads searching for something to eat. Or maybe they were just moving their heads in disbelief. Why the hell are we there? It's cold and hostile. And they were screaming. Loud and agressive. They had to so we could hear them through the wind and the high tide that was beating the port. For me it was a really strong moment. There was so much power in their stillness. So much power in their screaming. Any time I see a seagull it teleports me back to that very moment. Wilderness, cold and expectaions that only new journey can bring.
Rackové jsou překrásní ptáci. Pamatuji si ty, co jsem viděl v Invercargill – na Novém Zélandu – po cestě na Stewartův Ostrov. Bylo větrno a sychravo. A v přístavišti se ve vzduchu vznášeli velcí racci. Prostě v tom vzduchu jen stáli. Jako by byli zkamenělí. Jen se tam vznášeli a kolem nich děsně rychle proletoval vzduch. Jen neznatelně pohybovali hlavami, jak hledali něco k jídlu. Nebo jen prostě kroutili hlavami a divili se, proč tam sakra jsme. Vždyť je tam zima a je tam nevlídno! A také hrozně řvali. Hlasitě a agresivně. Museli, abychom je slyšeli přes ten vítr a vlny, které se na přístav jedna za druhou valily. Pro mě to byl strašně silný moment. V té jejich nehnutelnosti bylo tolik síly. Tolik síly v jejich křiku. Kdykoliv vidím racka vzpomenu si na ten moment. Teleportuje mě to zpět na to místo – do toho okamžiku. Divočina, zima a očekávaní, které mohou přinést jen nové cesty.
Woman with a cat. Personally my most favorite design out of the 4 we are adding to our online shop. When I was a kid I really wanted to have a siamese cat. I loved its color/the shape of the body, its eyes. You think I ever had one? Of course not. When I was 11 a girl from my elementary school gave me a kitten saying its a male cat. Well...not exactly. One year later she gave birth to 6 kittens (fortunately we found a home for all of them). She was 21 when she died one week after my grandmother left this World (yes those two lived together for some years). Another cat came 8 years ago. Her name is Frida and we took her from an animal shelter in Prague. She is a best friend to my daughter Eliza. When she wakes up she goes searching for her and pets her. Of course they have little quarells but all best friends do. The scratches will heal and friendship stays forever. Btw. Cats are awesome! Just in case you hassitate to get one. And the best ones come from the street or animal shelters. Not from the fancy breading stations. But they are cats – so don't expect much gratitude 😃
Fox. What an amazing animal! The first one I ever saw was in London. I was waiting for my bus to work when I saw it. Just passing me without fear. Funny how we often see animals that we consider wild in the big cities. I’m happy I didn’t meet a bear though 🙂. . . . Liška. Úžasné zvíře. Svoji první jsem viděl před lety v Londýně. Ráno jsem čekal na autobus do práce a najednou kolem mě prochází - beze strachu. Zvláštní, jak ve velkých městech často potkáváme zvířata, která považujeme za divoká. No jsem rád, že jsem místo lišky nepotkal medvěda 🙂